Smartarget Instagram - Follow Us

Get more Instagram followers.
App Demo

Integration variant

Select an Integration variant
Integration variant
Show app on homepage only
«powered by Smartarget» label
Default app options only
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Integration steps

Follow these steps to add Smartarget Instagram - Follow Us
Complete integration
  1. Create a Smartarget account or log in to yours
  2. Add your website and configure Instagram - Follow Us app for your website
  3. Go to Integration and copy the User ID to the input text box to this page
Smartarget User Id
Smartarget user id only (not the entire js code)

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App settings

Fill in app settings
Main settings
Instagram account
Use Smartarget integration (Free Plus) to change this param.
Additional settings
Instagram Follow Us Position on desktop
Instagram Follow Us on mobile
Load the message after page load (in seconds)
Dismiss period
Link behavior
Frame color
Text color
Link color
Background color
Right to left